Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The switcheroo...

Okay, we still have two thumb-havers here, but The Alpha is missing. Last night he was here and tonight he's not, but last night a guest-room-dwelling thumb-haver showed up, too, and she's still here. Nice enough, but she's definitely no Alpha. The Typist may be promoted, if only for a little while. Especially if she lets us take over The Alpha's spot in her bed. Serious extra points there.

I get the feeling he will be back tomorrow. I didn't notice any of the warning signs of extended travel -- no rolling suitcase, no extra trips out to the car. And no taking me and The Boy and The Typist for a big long ride, which is usually part of the package.

When he does come home, I hope he brings me a big kill from the hunt. You know, Purina One. From Target. I have no idea how he keeps from getting all bloody when he goes out looking for food... maybe he can lick more of himself than I give him credit for...


John said...

I like the way that you write. It reminds me of I, Jack.

DogBlogger said...

Why, thank you! The Alpha has been getting after me to say more lately... thanks for giving me yet another reason to keep it up.

Off for one more perimeter patrol before bed...