Wednesday, April 02, 2008

RGBP Big Event

The time on the ship is over, but I do feel as though the rest of it is just beginning.

I'll be reeally late for work if I blog all my thoughts this morning, but I do have time to share a photo...

Only one of these is permanent, but they're all "real."

As has been said by St. Casserole and many others: Love ya... mean it!


St. Casserole said...

Miss you already.

Such a great experience for all of us.

It's odd being back home.

God_Guurrlll said...

I miss all ya all.

Yes it is weird being back home.

Happy memories warm my heart as I return to my work.

will smama said...

Wow! That picture came out great!

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

I love the pic.

I am so glad ya'll had a great time.

Jules said...

I definitely want a copy of that pic!


Unknown said...

Oh, the peer pressure!

The Vicar of Hogsmeade said...

love ya

mean it

Unknown said...

Wow. Great pic. great tatoos. Is one of them the official rgbps tatoo?

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Fun!!! I'm so jealous, but glad you all had such a good time.