Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Phoebe Interview

This is Phoebe. She lives Out West, and normally doesn't blog herself, but avanta7, a friend of The Typist's (they go way back, she says), is going to let Phoebe answer my interview questions. Isn't that nice?

So, here we go:

1. Phoebe, you are very fluffy! How does this trait affect your fur maintenance?
2. I understand you have cats. You look like you're about the same size as these cats. Is that the case, and if so, how do you cope?
3. What is it like to live Out West?
4. The question for all dogs: What is one secret of a blissful life that you'd like to share with your thumb-havers?
5. Wet or dry food? Explain your answer.

UPDATE: Phoebe has posted her answers.

If anyone else would like to be interviewed, please see the rules included in previous sessions and post a comment with your request. This has kept me busy blogging lately!


Anonymous said...

You can read Phoebe's answers here:

The Phoebe Interview

That Janie Girl said...

She is too cute!

Zack the Wonder Dog and I enjoy your blog!

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

She is fluffy!

John said...

I adore Pomeranians! They're such beautiful dogs.