Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Gathering, x|y style

Hey, The Typist here...

It's been several days since we got back, and some folks (read: Andrew) have been bugging me to post about the Generation x|y Gathering that we had last week at Mount Sequoyah. The upshot is, it was great, especially for a first-year effort, and we all want it to happen again next year. Got good constructive feedback on the evaluation forms, too, so I'm sure next time it'll be even better.

As for pics, turns out one of the settings on my camera got bumped to "wrong" in my laptop bag, so I don't have very many good ones. But look! It's a few of us in the Bishop's Cottage, which housed our guest speakers. There's Cub's Uncle B on the mandolin, Tim Keel in the middle of the couch, and Marcia on the right (no, she's not asleep, she's just closing her eyes in amazement at what she's hearing).

And, wait... what's at the bottom of the frame?

Those, my blogfriends, are Doug Pagitt's toes.

I probably wouldn't have mentioned Doug Pagitt's big, long toes except for the story that Benjamin shares here. So, here I am, typing on and on about Doug's toes. Which, by the way, are not any more follically challenged than average toes, just so you know.

More thorough reports are available elsewhere on the blogosphere. But I'm the only one with a pic of Doug Pagitt's toes. So far, anyway.


Laura said...

I didn't blog on Doug's toes, but I did do a little blogging myself about the event. I'm still in processing mode about it all but I had to get something up!

Diane M. Roth said...

It sounds like a fascinating event!

Ben Davis said...

How disappointing that Doug has yet to comment, apparently toes are less important than hair! :)

DogBlogger said...

Ben, maybe I should've said his toes were "balding..."

Andrew C. Thompson said...

Thanks for the update. To paraphrase Bogie, "I think this could be the start of something beautiful."

Matt said...

I'm more interested in the mandolin - it's good to know there are fellow Methodist Mandolin-ers out there!

Cam said...

I didn't notice this until now...maybe I was too busy focusing on Doug's toes. But, there is a towel (or some cloth-like substance) over the lamp - isn't that a fire hazard?